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Nash's departure makes you reconsider the choice

hopely Lee 2016-06-30 15:30:35

Most scholars spent their lives longing to leave their fields a lasting contribution. The 30-year-old John Nash, who at 86 in a weekend traffic accident with his wife Alicia died together, do, it will completely change the two disciplines and protect him both the Nobel Prize and its equivalent mathematics, the Abel Prize discovery.

When his doctoral thesis at Princeton, slender 32-page document is completed, he was just 21, placed in game theory, research strategy pioneered by the interaction of mathematicians John von Neumann, in the heart of the economy.

"Nash equilibrium", a concept he invented and changed the way we look at the choice by the company or by the government to promote its reserve arsenals. While these two decisions may appear wasteful, individuals still need to respond to them they think their opponent will do.
"Nash equilibrium definition of John Nash is the social sciences have discovered what James Watson and Francis Crick DNA structure is biological," Roger Myerson, a fellow Nobel Prize in Economics winner said. "This is the history of economic thought the most important contribution."
Born June 13, 1928 in Lam Tin, West Virginia, after obtaining a doctorate, joined Nash technique, where he began to solve puzzles in the field of partial differential equations for several years mathematicians problem MIT.
"I remember a seminar, he proved one of his outstanding achievements," Joseph Cohen, professor of mathematics at Princeton, who knows more than 60 years, said Nash. "Even the most distinguished professor department did not believe what they see."
MIT Nash met Alicia, El Salvador, who will soon become his wife. She will also be when, in 1959, he was stricken with schizophrenia Nash was present in the rock, which will haunt him more than 20 years. Since the onset of paranoid delusions and intensified, he accepted the repeated spell of hospital stay. He had to stop work and to engage in seemingly random movements, including a trip to Europe, where he tried to renounce his US citizenship.
His wife divorced him in 1963, but then chose to let him live in her home near Princeton as tenants (they remarry). Nash became the campus of Princeton a familiar figure, wandering around and left the classroom blackboard mysterious formula.
Genius become a "museum quality phantom" because he was famous.
Like when a mysterious mathematical intuition materialized, Nash's brain suddenly begin to heal. "I seem to be in the unique style of scientists rationally thinking things over" when he wrote the Nobel Foundation in his autobiography, he won the award in 1994, along with John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten.
Just as surprising, academic recognition followed Hollywood glory. By author Sylvia Nasar Biography episode of the Spotless Mind, it provides the basis blockbuster Features Russell Crowe Nash, which scooped four Oscars.
"He was initially skeptical of the movie," Eric Maskin, a friend, another Nobel laureate in economics and Nashes said. "But he then realized that, although the film is mostly fictional, it gives him concern, such as game theory and schizophrenia into the public domain issues."
Who arrogant rich prodigy had earlier knowledge learned to be generous to his charity. Professor Maskin remember how years ago, Nash was about to give a highly technical talk packed auditorium. "You're not happy, all of the public?" He was asked. "They did not come here to see me," Nash said. "They come here to see Russell Crowe." Zhu 利亚诺费迪南 more

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