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These signs suggest that you are really unhealthy

kiki 2017-06-29 15:15:28

Sorry, ignoring them won't make them disappear.
Your body's got your back. Whenever something isn't quite right wellness-wise, your body will often try to send you a signal that a health hazard may be brewing beneath the surface. The problem? For starters, according to a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, women (ahem) report that they skip out on going to the doctor because they're too busy or can't get the day off work. And, honestly, sometimes it feels easier to ignore whatever is going on.
But remember: "It's important to diagnose things early before they have the potential to cause more serious, and sometimes irreversible, effects," says Margarita Rohr, M.D., a clinical instructor of internal medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. "When something unusual happens, consider it an alert that something isn't right and get it addressed." Here, some signs it's time for you to get to the doctor.
1. Cravings for Ice
If you're always heading for the freezer and bypassing the cookie dough or frozen yogurt - for, uh, ice - that may mean you have an iron deficiency, Rohr says. Why? People who suffer from a serious lack of iron often experience pica - a disorder that causes you to crave things with no nutritional value, specifically ice (although sometimes people reach for non-food items, like dirt or paper).
Your doc will have the best course of treatment, but adding iron-rich foods (red meat, leafy greens, iron-fortified cereals) into your diet will help, along with Vitamin C, which allows your body to better absorb the iron.

2. Wrinkles In Weird Places

It's true: Beauty is only skin deep. But sometimes, what's going outside your body could actually be an indicator of what's going inside of it. Honestly, most wrinkles are likely just a sign of aging (womp), but one study published in The Journals of Gerontology found a different reason: high blood pressure. The research found that women with wrinkles in places typically not exposed to the sun, like the upper arms, tended to have hypertension. If that's the case, it may be time to talk to your doctor about cutting back on the cocktails and salt.

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